Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Games you could get for children's birthdays (1/3)

Soon it will be my birthday (yaay) so I thought it would be a good idea to write a series of blogs gaming stuff you should buy to bring your little infants up to be gamers! Today I will be writing abut games you should get for children who are 0 to 4.

For children who are 0

Buy them a cuddly Cthulhu, and watch it drive them mad!

For children who are 1

Buy them some D&D baby clothes (there's loads of them out their if you know where to look) and just watch the looks the other parents will give you.

For children who are 2

Buy them some massive foam dice - not only are they cool, but they are also educational, teaching your kid to count.

For children that are 3 

Buy them some matching games, soon they will be beating even you (you have been warned).

For children that are 4

Buy them basically any of the games made by Orchard Games, Orchard Games are amazing at this kind of stuff. Although don't get any games that the child will like to much, or you maybe in for days of playing the same game over, and over again (and believe me, it is not pleasant).